Splunk Add-on for Okta Identity Cloud

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Splunk Add-on for Okta Identity Cloud

Splunk Add-on for Okta Identity Cloud
The Splunk Add-on for Okta Identity Cloud does not yet have handling for the following user events: OktaIM2:app, Oktaim2:groupuser or Oktaim2:appuser events. Okta customers with apps that use extremely long redirect URIs or large user groups or app groups may experience truncation of such events which makes working with them in Splunk very challenging. Okta customers with apps that use extremely long redirect URI or extremely large user groups or app groups should delay migration off Okta Identity Cloud Add-on for Splunk until this gap is addressed. The Splunk Add-on for Okta Identity Cloud: * Handles System Log event ingestion using Okta's REST API endpoints and simplifies data correlation. * Can periodically ingest Okta Universal Directory (UD) data, including users, groups and apps. This data is not treated as time-series events. * Provides the inputs and CIM-compatible knowledge to use with other Splunk apps. Note: The Splunk Add-on for Okta Identity Cloud is intended to replace the need for Okta Identity Cloud Add-on for Splunk. Please note that at this time, there is not 100% feature parity between the two add-ons.
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