Splunk Search

I see a list of generic names under "savedsearch_name" on search heads, but where are these searches actually saved?



On my search heads, I am able to find searches that are named "search1", "search2" etc:


However, the actual searches change. For example, yesterday search1 had a litsearch that was different than search1 today.

My question is this:
How can I determine where these are actually saved or are they? I cannot find any savedsearches named any of these.

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Introspection data can help here - search the found sid (search ID) in the _introspection index to get a bit more info on these searches and where they come from.
Here's a quick and dirty search:

index=_introspection sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage data.process_type=search data.search_props.sid=*<SID>* | transaction data.search_props.sid | table data.search_props.*,duration

The provenance and app fields can help you identify where the searches are running.


Got a random notification for this thread and realized I knew more than I did then..

You're absolutely correct here. The `provenance` field gathered from _introspection enables you to fit where the search was initiated from! Here's a generalized introspection search for everyone:

index=_introspection sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=PerProcess data.search_props.sid::*
| fields _time, data.*, host
| eval label = if(isnotnull('data.search_props.label'), 'data.search_props.label', "")
| eval provenance = if(isnotnull('data.search_props.provenance'), 'data.search_props.provenance', "unknown")  
| eval read_mb = 'data.read_mb'
| eval written_mb = 'data.written_mb'
| eval process = 'data.process'
| eval pid = 'data.pid'
| eval elapsed = 'data.elapsed'
| eval mem_used = 'data.mem_used'
| eval mem = 'data.mem'
| eval pct_memory = 'data.pct_memory'
| eval pct_cpu = 'data.pct_cpu'
| eval sid = 'data.search_props.sid'
| eval app = 'data.search_props.app'
| eval label = 'data.search_props.label'
| eval type = 'data.search_props.type'
| eval mode = 'data.search_props.mode'
| eval user = 'data.search_props.user'
| eval role = 'data.search_props.role'
| fields _time, host, process, pid, elapsed, mem_used, mem, pct_memory, pct_cpu, sid, app, label, type, mode, user, label, provenance, read_mb, written_mb
| stats latest(*) AS * BY sid
0 Karma


After experiencing this problem myself, I discovered the answer. When a dashboard, written in SimpleXML format, invokes a tag without an id value specified, Splunk automatically uses this "search5"/"search6"/"search7" default string value as the name of the search when logging in _audit. I don't know what factors into the actual different in numbers, but when I added id values to a dashboard that didn't have them, the new ID's showed up in the logging in the same place that the "search5" type values did.

I don't have an answer for how to appropriately deal with the problem that this results in, namely that you can't differentiate searches that are all falling under these default values. It's rough to consider trying to force everyone that created dashboards to assign ID values to all of their searches.

Splunk!!! Give us a way to break out these searches more effectively, namely even include the dashboard view they're being run in so we have a way of isolating them! Answer/guidance needed.

Esteemed Legend

Maybe your answer should be modified to be a comment so that this question shows unanswered and maybe will get more notice.

0 Karma
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