Dashboards & Visualizations

Why is drilldown opening blank page in chrome?

Path Finder

I configured a drilldown through the GUI. The search is something like this:

index=* "message.Origin"=TEST 
OR source="/opt/mulesoft/logs/somethingelse.log" 
OR source="D:\\Log\\anything.json" 
| stats  values(a.b) AS ab ,values(c.d) as cd count(eval('logger' ="nl.logger,answers")) as "Start ",count(eval(logger ="n.questions. HTTP status: 200.")) as "questions" by message.MessageId,
| where ‘questions’ <1

when i click the panel to drilldown chrome opens a blank page and nothing else happens. When I look in the source I see this:

          <link target="_blank">search?q=index=*%20%22message.Origin%22=TEST%20source=%22/opt/mulesoft/logs/ something.log %22%20OR%20source=%22/opt/mulesoft/logs/ somethingelse.log %22%20OR%20source=%22D:%5C%5CLog%5C%5Canything.json %22%20%0A%7C%20stats%20%20values(a.b)%20AS%ab%20,values(c.d)%20as%20cd%20count(eval('logger'%20=%22 nl.logger,answers........... ( etc etc etc)

I anomised the search due to security reasons, in IE the drilldown works just fine, also other drilldowns work in Chrome. I dont understand what is going wrong

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0 Karma

0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks, but I dont see how to encode something

0 Karma



where ‘questions’  %3C  1
0 Karma

Path Finder

I fixed it by replacing '| where ‘questions’ <1' with '| where ‘questions’ =0'
Dont know why it didnt'work but now it does

0 Karma


Hi Mike, press F12 to open chrome debugger panel and then F5 to reload the the tab, then check "console" and "network" tabs in the debugger panel - do you see any warnings or errors?

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi @PavelP ,

In console I get this when I open the dashoboard, in the tab which opens by the drilldown I dont get anything

common.js:1103 [Deprecation] document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M80, around February 2020. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 and https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/07/web-components-time-to-upgrade for more details.

0 Karma


which splunk and chrome version do you have?

0 Karma

Path Finder

@PavelP I fixed it by replacing '| where ‘questions’ <1' with '| where ‘questions’ =0'
Dont know why it didnt'work but now it does

0 Karma
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