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Dungeons & Data Monsters: Splunk O11y Day Edition!


The Community is THRILLED to announce the next exciting edition of Dungeons & Data Monsters: Splunk O11y Day Edition… coming to you on 5/4 & 5/5!


What the heck is “Dungeons & Data Monsters”? 

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Dungeons & Data Monsters is our fun, Splunk-y spin on the popular tabletop role-playing game, “Dungeons and Dragons” (5th Edition). Our inaugural version launched last year as part of .conf20, and this next installment will have an extra-special twist or two to celebrate both our Community B-sides conference and upcoming “Splunk O11y Day” (deets on O11y Day later this week!)


Did someone say SWAG?!?

YEP! And we’re giving away tons…for our live viewers, for anyone entering for a chance to be a player, and for the lucky final folks selected to play live! We’ve got a special hardcover Splunk recipe book, exclusive Dungeons & Data Monsters dice sets, drones… and much more. The goods just keep on comin’, and it’s all for you, our beloved community.



Did you say we can PLAY... LIVE?

Think you’ve got what it takes to save the Splunk Cloudom from whatever evils and perils lurk? Are you an avid DnD 5e (or similar) gamer on the reg? Think you can role play your heart out for an EXTRA SPECIAL prize? Want a chance to play alongside possible celebrity guest player(s)?

We’re looking for a few brave heroes to join us and play Dungeons & Data Monsters LIVE!

UPDATE: Our Call for Players is now closed, but you can still tune in live and help our players!

Just comment below for your chance to play DnD live!

Registering for your chance is easy, just post a comment below with your idea for a player character and — and be sure to include the following:

  • Character Name
  • Character Race
    (learn more about DnD 5e race options here!)
  • Character Class(es)
    (learn more about DnD 5e class options here!)
  • A bit of your character’s background
    (Bonus points for Splunk-y ones, obvi)
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s)
    (Hack-and-slash? Award-winning thespian? Sherlock-level problem tackler? Etc...)
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?
    (Do you bring props to Zoom? Do you dress up? Will your bard sing all their spells?)

Is it cool if I just watch?

Heck yeah! (And don’t forget our live viewers can grab cool prizes, too, just for tuning into the livestream on Splunk’s Twitch channel ( 

Roll with advantage, lovies!

~ Your Humble Sr. Director of Community… Bryan 🙂 

UPDATE: Our Call for Players is now closed, but tune in live for your chance to help our players AND claim your free swag!

Path Finder

Wow Bryan,

This is exciting to see happening another time, I would love to be apart of this if you would have me again!

  • Character Name
    • Parser Index
  • Character Race
    • Half-Elf
  • Character Class(es)
    • Depending on your level requirements: Shepherd Druid 3, Life Cleric 2
  • A bit of your character’s background
    • A half-elf who has survived the first round of  "Dungeons & Data Monsters" who seeks more knowledge to empower his abilities and to further improve the strength of the legendary Buttercup Totem.
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s)
    • Problem solver Support/wisdom based skill assist. I bring my |  (Shillelagh pipe) to solve many problems.
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?
    • I have played D&D for many years, but I am no actor. I enjoy the game and the people I get to play with. I find there is not a lot of people who will fill in support roles in many of the games I play so I tend to fit in well with any group. I also have a lot of Splunk themed skills I think we all enjoyed last year as well 🙂




  • Character Name
    • Rho
  • Character Race
    • Loxodon
  • Character Class(es)
    • Fighter
  • A bit of your character’s background
    • Born into the Worshipers of Ct'ul, Rho grew up traveling the Segregare Chain, a collection of mountain ranges that was sundered by a force unknown. He wields a riving glaive, on both enemies and data.
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s)
    • Short sighted muscle; Persuasion support.
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?
    • I have no idea what to put here. Now that I know what to expect from the session, I might lean toward a more campy, theme appropriate style of play 😄


Path Finder

Character Name: Piper BreksMajoris

Character Race: Gnome, Sub: Deep Gnome


Character Class(es) Wizard

A bit of your character’s background


Piper, more commonly called Pipes, uses his intelligence boost to filter the world around him into useable data for mental processing.   He was traveling through the land about 6 months ago and befriended an Asamir named Cabriel at a local pub.   While, one would not think these two would get along, they bonded over their love for Jameson, crude humor, and cutting wit and humor.  Cabriel told of great Quests fought with groups past, and Pipes has set out to find a similar group to embark on his next quest.

A bit about your preferred playing style(s)

I prefer more ranged, or spell-casting work, hence the Wizard class.   I've never ran a Gnome Wizard before, and thought it might be fun to build the character and give it a run.

What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?

I'm very entertaining, and I'm always the one in the party to crack jokes, which at times can turn the quests in interesting directions should I offend the wrong beast or person during the encounter.   I had an absolute blast taking part in the last Dungeons and Datamonsters, and am extremely excited to potentially participate again.   

I'm also flexible in character creation based on group needs while this is a suggested character to run I also had an absolute blast running my Aasimar, Cabriel, in the last campaign and may also consider reprising that character if it may be better suited as a need for the party.  Also shoutout to @hos_2 aka Parser Index from the last campaign had a great time playing with you, and would love to do so again.


I'm a big fan of DnD I can't miss the opportunity to show my typical character.

  • Character Name:  Scintelleau
  • Character Race:  Half-Elf
  •  Character Class(es): Cleric
  • A bit of your character’s background: Scintilleau is a half-elf devoted to the cult of the goddess Mishakal.
    An expert in healing spells and a health fanatic, his life is a continuous study in the medical field. He can't stand the undead and his orientation is legal-good.
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s): legal-good, use healing spells.
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?: I don't have idea I hope we have fun.





Path Finder
  • Character Name
    • Bink
  • Character Race
    • Woodelf
  • Character Class(es)
    • Monk
  • A bit of your character’s background
    • Bink was taken as a young elf to a monestary by his uncle an elf ranger. He learned that the Brotherhood of the Golden Hand worshiped Bahamat, the Golden Father of Dragons. Bink Learned to apply analytical observations to combat situations. Allowing him to use his enhanced speed and unarmed combat skills to cause damage to multiple enemies in a give fight.
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s)
    • Bink prefers to avoid combat where possible but has no problem eliminating those who are opposed to Bahamat
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?
    • Its a blast to play with Bryan as DM and I would love to participate again! I did get the killing blow in at the end of our round at .conf! 
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee


  • Character Name:
    • Passion
  • Character Race
    • Tiefling
  • Character Class(es)
    • Celestial Warlock, Pact of the Chain
  • A bit of your character’s background
    • Passion's patron, Buttercup the celestial pony, has provided powers in exchange for helping the Splunk Cloudom. 
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s)
    • Awkward role playing! Shooting things with Data Blast! Hopefully rolling fewer 1s! 
      Passion is an enthusiastic young tiefling, she really wants to help make things better. If she can't do that with her Buttercup-given healing (Splunk themed healing name coming soon), then she'll do it with her Data Blast!
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?
    • I had great fun last year and am sure to have even more fun this time around.  I'm not the most accomplished roleplayer, but I like making sure that all the players have a chance to shine and be involved.  I do have a set of Maleficient Horns, which I would wear if I were picked and played Passion.


Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee
  • Character Name: Lou CC
  • Character pronouns: they/them
  • Character Race: Elf
  • Character Class(es): Ranger
  • A bit of your character’s background: Sailing across the data lake, Lou found their calling to help others find their way to land on the rocky shores, with some help from magical (regular) facial expressions to guide ships to the correct ports. Although an expert navigator, Lou is still learning to adapt their habits of communicating via facial expression into spoken language after reaching shore. Lou is also rather fond of drinking RUM. 
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s): Excuses for gratuitous acrobatics, unconventional modes of transport, a tendency to take the most direct approach to solving problems, and the occasional stab first, ask questions later tactics.
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?: I'll bring puns, deep Splunk knowledge, and basically all of my D&D expertise has come during the pandemic so I'm an experienced player on zoom. 

For those already having submitted your comment above, you are IN! You should see a private message from me shortly requesting contact information.

For anyone else still interested in playing LIVE, toss you comment below by Thursday, 4/22 to be considered!

Roll with advantage, lovies!


Super Champion

Dungeons and Data Monsters is the best time ever! The first round during .conf20 was amazing and this round will be even better, guaranteed!

  • Character Name: Adama Barbuda
  • Character Race: Elf
  • Character Class(es): Rogue
  • A bit of your character’s background: Adama is a bearded lady with pink hair who survived the epic quest of the first Dungeons and Data Monsters by wielding her bow.  When in doubt, she searches for answers from her Bard beard who sings advice that only she can hear. 
    Adama will help detect malicious threats due to her stealthiness, allowing the Adventurers to remediate the Data Monsters. 
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s): I'm a newer player, so I'm still figuring this out, but I try to get into it.
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?: Oh, I dress up. I will have a bow with me and my beard and wig. I may do a voice? Maybe I'll do the voice for my beard as well as myself and look really odd talking/singing to myself, unless the DM or someone else does 
  • Character Name: Log Crusher
  • Character Race: Dragonborn
  • Character Class: Barbarian
  • A bit of your character’s background: Log Crusher, or Elsy as he is known to Common tongues, with glossy scales the color of volcanic rock, was born into a clan of royal draconic lineage. Separated from his family by natural disaster in his youth and of unusually large size even known to his kin, Elsy was adopted by a roving band of human merchants, acted as a bodyguard to the group's caravans and was educated in the Common tongue and ways of trade. Distracted and drawn away from his caravan one evening, Orcish bandits captured and killed his human family. Fueled by an insatiable rage and appetite for reckless vengeance, Elsy travels across land and sea seeking revenge and redemption for all of the wrongs done unto and by him. His knowledge and wisdom is limited, his inexperience in anything other than primal combat often leads to him making faux pas like searching index=* over All Time, but Elsy, Log Crusher, is courageous and determined to find a new home within a group of like-hearted heroes.
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s)
    I actually normally play human healers such as paladins or clerics, but I wanted to do something outside of my comfort zone. I am excited at the opportunity to play as a "smash and grab" primary damage dealer.
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?
    I am a very experienced DnD player; I have been playing for approximately 20 years from 3rd edition onward. I am usually a forever-DM, a very good actor, I do voices, I do props, I am very animated. I take "table etiquette" seriously and do my part to help other players. Lastly, once the session begins, I never break character... never.
Path Finder
  • Character Name: The Big B
  • Character Race: Human
  • Character Class(es): Paladin - Oath of devotion 
  • A bit of your character’s background: The Big B used to work on a farm where he was the tractor. Someone has to carry the hay, or the horse, or whatever else was needed. One day the farm was invaded by a mechanic monster belching fire and chasing the cattle. The Big B rammed it like an angry buffalo. It turns out it was a gnomish invention that had run amok. The crew was so impressed with The Big B’s daring (and lack of basic understanding of physics) that they introduced him to their cleric, who took it upon herself to teach The Big B the ways of the divine. Unfortunately, what The Big B has in bravery and strength doesn’t apply to wisdom. There is no need to ask The Big B to jump off the bridge if his friends do because he is likely to jump first. Fortunately, there is a profession such a person: Paladin. Sure they tend to die young, but what a run it is going to be.
  • A bit about your preferred playing style(s): The Big B spots evil—and punches it in the face. Unless the evil asks for mercy, then it is granted because The Big B does things the right way. Thankfully that right way is usually with excess physical force. Dragons, evil overlords, and lenders beware - The Big B is coming.
  • What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play?: Someone has to drive the story forward, and what is better than when that someone is a raging moron. I mean, his character is a raging moron. 
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