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Splunk Add-on for Amazon Web Services: Why are injested JSON event fields not extracted using a custom sourcetype for Kinesis stream?

Path Finder

Using the Splunk Add-on for Amazon Web Services to ingest events from AWS Kinesis with a custom sourcetype.

Ingested json event fields are not extracted when using custom sourcetype.

What I have tried
I have created Kinesis inputs to read from the stream. One with the sourcetype = aws:kinesis (as specified in the documentation here and one with a custom sourcetype.

The custom sourcetype events do not have extracted json fields. (see picture attached).
The standard sourceytpe events do have extracted json fields.
I have tested this sourcetype using oneshot to place json data into a test index and the fields were extracted correctly.

Create indices
/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk add index fromkinesis
/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk add index bythebookkn
/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk add index oneshottest

Test sourcetype with oneshot
/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk add oneshot /opt/splunk/data/test.json -sourcetype myevents -index oneshottest

Kinesis inputs

/opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_aws/local# cat aws_kinesis_tasks.conf

account = splunk
encoding =
format = CloudWatchLogs
index = bythebookkn
init_stream_position = LATEST
region = us-east-1
sourcetype = aws:kinesis
stream_names = stage-my-events

account = splunk
encoding =
format = CloudWatchLogs
index = fromkinesis
init_stream_position = LATEST
region = us-east-1
sourcetype = myevents
stream_names = stage-my-events


/opt/splunk/etc/system/local# cat props.conf
TRUNCATE = 800000

TIMESTAMP_FIELDS = info.created
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S.%3Q
detect_trailing_nulls = auto
KV_MODE = none
AUTO_KV_JSON = false
category = Custom
disabled = false

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0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

I think you need to remove format=CloudWatchLogs because that strips the JSON wrapper. Set it to "none" and try again.

0 Karma

Path Finder

@mreynov_splunk This change does not achieve my objective.

The result is that I get a well extracted json document that is a kinesis event. Meanwhile my log messages (which are also json) are a text field in the Kinesis json called "message" and are totally not parsed as json.

         "message":"{\"info\": {\"event_type\": \"session_custom_period\", \"relativeCreated\": 8933604.59113121, \"process\": 17277, \"period\": 120, \"module\": \"sessions\", \"funcName\": \"save\", \"msecs\": 616.2080764770508, \"message\": \"Save custom session expiration period\", \"filename\": \"\", \"levelno\": 20, \"processName\": \"MainProcess\", \"lineno\": 147, \"asctime\": \"2016-12-14 09:13:59,616\", \"msg\": \"Save custom session expiration period\", \"loggername\": \"airborne.core.accounts.sessions\", \"exc_text\": null, \"name\": \"airborne.core.accounts.sessions\", \"thread\": 140696234220752, \"created\": \"2016-12-14 17:13:59.616\", \"threadName\": \"GreenThread-430\", \"session_id\": \"8io3n7e518knrklws112pgdmwfrvyqur\", \"pathname\": \"/home/ubuntu/projects/airborne/airborne/core/accounts/\", \"exc_info\": null, \"message_type\": \"accounts\", \"levelname\": \"INFO\"}, \"context\": {}}",

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0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

hmm... it should work if it is proper JSON throughout. This is the first question to answer. If not, then yea, you are in a pickle.

either way, it makes sense to start from Kinesis, because at least it handles the JSON wrapper for you.
Send me a sample and I can try it. (I am assuming the sample above is not how your data looked like coming in; I am specifically interested in the back slashes)

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hello... @mreynov_splunk can you help?
Is this an actual bug like before or am I doing something wrong?

0 Karma
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